
Talking Rubbish

We’re all Talking Rubbish // Norwich Lifestyle Blogger

This year seems to be the one that everyone is really starting to take action and think about the way we leave our mark on this Earth and at what cost. I’ve often found myself in the supermarket, mid shop, complaining about the excessive amounts of plastic packaging that my food and products are bought in. My heap of recycling is often filled to the brim every other day and I have that sudden feeling of guilt when it comes time to empty them and I have no idea what happens to it all. Although i’ve heard about and seen images of our beaches and vast oceans being excessively littered with plastics which take 100s of years to break down, creating ‘dead zones’ which are destroying our eco system. We’re all at a point where we are realising things need to quickly change.  So when Jess got in touch with her shoot idea of creating imagery to illustrate her sustainable lifestyle blog “Talking Rubbish” (soon launching!) I was really intrigued and keen to learn on the job! 

Jess’ blog aptly named ‘Talking Rubbish’ aims to document her personal journey to living a life with less waste. Providing tips, DIY’s and recipes for living zero waste and plastic free. She hopes to inspire people to think about making small, sustainable changes to your shopping, eating and beauty habits, so that as a whole we can work towards protecting our planet. At the same time Jess is realistic that the best way to make a start is often by making small, simple changes to your routine. It is all too easy to feel overcome with pressure and feelings of guilt, and therefore she’s concentrating on making baby steps which you can easily do if interested.

We took a stroll around Norwich city centre one afternoon, documenting the way Jess goes about her day to day shopping. Knowing that many of us are already carrying reusable bags, I asked her for her top ten easy tips which everyone could take on board with the aim of avoiding single use plastic !

1. Carry a stainless steel/reusable bottle for water instead of buying bottled water.

2. Buy your fruit and vegetables at the local greengrocers/market and place straight in your bag. (fruit and veg have their own protection – skin!)

3. Track down local shops which sell unpackaged products and ask for them to be put into your own container or bag. For example, go to a baker for your weekly loaf and ask for it in your cloth bag. 

4. Use a reusable coffee cup for takeaway coffee, or choose to drink in.

5. Take lunch to work in glass jars, recyclable paper or reusable plastic containers. 

6. Keep a washable napkin and set of cutlery/chopsticks in your bag to avoid disposables when you buy takeaway food. 

7. Ask for no straws in bars, cafes and restaurants. You could carry your own stainless steel straw with you. 

8. Purchase food, like cereal, pasta, and rice from bulk bins and fill a reusable bag or container. You save money and unnecessary packaging!

9. Try to buy products in boxes or refillable bottles e.g. washing powder and washing up liquid

10. Make your own cleaner from water, cider vinegar and a few drops of essential oil.

If you would like to get some images taken of yourself for your business or website please get in touch for a quote HERE



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